How do you go from an A in math to a D within a couple of weeks? Let's ask Hunter! I get a call from the math teacher today and he is concerned about Hunter and wanted to know if something is going on. Ummm no what would be going on. I felt like a dirty old mom or something they way he asked. Maybe he was uncomfortable b/c Hunter gave nothing away when he was asked the same question from the teacher. Anyway I assured him things were fine. Apparently Hunter is not asking questions when he is confused about something at school and just goes on his merry old way. Also he' s not turning in homework. Now I know he does it here at the house but who knows what happens to it when he gets out of the house! So I wrote notes to his teachers and asked questions and made comments about some of the things that Hunter has said. Like the math teacher acts angry and the other one yells all the time. WTF! So I brought it up in the note. I am sure I will get a call or something tomorrow from Mrs Caretti the alleged yeller about that. I don't want to embarrass him in case he is lying but I need to get to the bottom of this now b/c of the call from the math teacher. Tonight Danny sat with him and helped with the homework and he said Hunter didn't know what he was doing and was just writing stuff down. He has never asked for help so we assumed he was doing ok. His grades were great he got all A's on his report like 2 weeks ago and all of a sudded a D. It's insane is what it is. I hope I made the right decision and I hope Hunter gets over this being afraid to ask questions shit. Otherwise the rest of his schooling we are going to be SOL for.
Oh Trisha. I am so sorry to hear about the steep decline in his grades. UGH. As a parent we are so heart broken over this. We assume that if our kids are not asking questions then they do not need us to sit with them and hold their hand to help. I am glad that the teacher called you. I know that it makes you feel bad and such but I am glad that the teacher brought it to your attention. You did the right thing by writing notes to the other teachers and asking questions. Did Hunter give any more reasoning behind all this?? I can not believe this. Keep on top of him and the teachers to make sure that everyone is doing their job! Did Hunter get in major trouble last night for the slipping of the grades and not handing the homework in?? Well it does make sense. If he had no idea what was going on and was just writing down whatever answers then why bother turning the work in!! Good luck!! Stay sane!