Monday, January 26, 2009

10 Surprising things about me

10 surprising things I bet you didn't know about me...Please feel free to repost it to your blog or comment it on it here. Thanks Katie for the idea.

1) I have never skiied. I always wanted to learn but never did. This includes water skiing.

2) I don't have a passport.

3) I didn't finish college.

4) I don't clean my window blinds.

5) I don't change my sheets as often as I should...or the kid's...I know I know I should be better at it.

6) I have broken my left wrist, my left leg and fractured my jaw.

7) I have only had one car accident and haven't been in any others.

8) I hate fish and the smell of it makes me sick to my stomach.

9) I only do laundry twice a week.

10) I got married when I was 18

1 comment:

  1. See I had no idea that you fractured your jaw. And I do not think that I realized that you were married so young. Maybe I did...I realized that you were young but that not young.

    You are welcome for the idea!!
