Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When does it become time.....

When is it time to give something up? Is there ever a right time? Do you just know that it's time to part ways with a friend, an object or obsession? I think there comes a time when you look at a friend or something else and just know it's time to move on. I think I have come to this crossroad myself. The friendship has run it's course and it's not going to be a parting of ways in a mean way b/c that is just not who I am. If this person calls I will talk to them for however long they talk but my loyalty and trust won't be there I don't think. People drift apart and in and out of your lives all the time. I think for a reason and it comes to a point sometimes you just have to let go. This happened with a friend I had in WA when we lived there we depened on each other b/c Danny was gone all the time and I was alone with Hunter and she was alone with twins. We had a lot of good times and she was a friend to me when I needed one the most. We no longer speak and have lost contact with each other but I won't forget her. I guess some people come in touch your life and quietly leave your life touched forever.


  1. That was a nice way to put it because you know me and what I have said. Though you are right. People come in to our lives for a reason. They fulfill us for a reason. They are apart of us for a reason and then quietly slip away. They leave their mark that is for sure. She will always be a apart of your life...always but it will be through memories and the way that she touched your life.

    I am proud of you. I know that I have been the devil on your shoulder but she has done nothing for you in a while. I mean done nothing as in being a friend, being by your side, being apart of your life. Of course...you are not talking about me right?! LOL. J/K. It is hard to lose a friend but I know that you will do it with style and grace as always.
